I Could Be a Desert

by Jarid Manos April 14, 2014 Originally published in The Huffington Post Download Audio I haven’t had sex in over 2 years. By choice. And before this past January, I hadn’t cried since 1999 and the Denzel movie The Hurricane. Even if I get smashed by a...

Dearly Beloved: 100 Years Ago the Last Passenger Pigeon Died

Dearly Beloved: 100 Years Ago the Last Passenger Pigeon Died by Jarid Manos, originally published in The Huffington Post A hundred years ago, Martha died. At 1 p.m. on September 1, 1914, the last individual of a wild blue dove whose flocks once numbered billions and...

So Thankful to God and Earth for Blessings

So Thankful to God and Earth for Blessings by Jarid Manos, originally published in The Huffington Post I recently realized how much I love. It is possible to love so hard this love becomes holy. It took years. My adult life has been spent navigating the violence we do...

Brandy Gets Caught in the Media Fly Trap

Brandy Gets Caught in the Media Fly Trap by Jarid Manos, originally published in The Huffington Post The media’s gleeful and jeering misrepresentation of what happened to Brandy in South Africa is a cautionary tale for those in the media, the public eye, and the...

Jail Me—Or Not

How is nature critical to a 21st century urban ethic? Jail Me—Or Not by Jarid Manos, for Center for Humans and Nature Once in the Nevada desert at night, way out in the desert alone, and once in my dreams recently, I became aware of something so terrible...